Connectorly Partner Brand Guidelines

Partners looking to create co-branded marketing material must respect these brand guidelines to ensure clear customer communication and maintain the consistency and integrity of our respective brands.

Partner Logos

Logo Versions

There are two versions of partner logo to represent the different types of services our partner organisations have; Integrator and Advisor. 

Integrator is for partners that use Connectorly as part of an overall solution that they deliver to their end customer. They are typically system integrators, developers and other software platforms. 

Advisor is for partners that use Connectorly as part of their service delivery tool-bag. They are often Accountants or Consultancies.

All partner logos are available to download in Blue, Inverse Blue, Black or Grey as vector (.SVG) files from this page.


Use of Partner Logos

  1. Approved Partners may use whatever version or versions of the logo that best fits the circumstances and their line of business.
  2. Approved Partners may use these Partner Logos for any marketing communications that promote Connectorly and the Partner business. 
  3. When partner logos are used online, wherever possible, they should link back either to the Connectorly home page (Connectorly – An Integration Platform as a Service) or main product page (eg Connectorly for Xero and Power BI).
connectorly_integrator_partner_blue Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_advisor_partner_blue Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_integrator_partner_inverse_blue Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_advisor_partner_inverse_blue Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_integrator_partner_black Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_advisor_partner_black Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_integrator_partner_white Partner Brand Guidelines
connectorly_advisor_partner_white Partner Brand Guidelines


Connectorly Partner logos use the following brand colours (sRGB colour space values are given).

Connectorly-White-1 Partner Brand Guidelines
Connectorly-Dark-Blue-1 Partner Brand Guidelines
Connectorly-Dark-Blue-1_1 Partner Brand Guidelines
Connectorly-Black-2 Partner Brand Guidelines

Incorrect Partner Logo usage examples

In general, do not alter the Partner logos. Specifically, do not do the following (but please note this is not meant to be an exhaustive list!) 

Do not re-colour the foreground or background

Partner logos are only available for use in the four colour combination versions here. 


wrong_foreground_colour Partner Brand Guidelines
wrong_background_colour Partner Brand Guidelines

Do not stretch Partner logos

wrong_logo_is_stretched Partner Brand Guidelines

The positioning of the Connectorly logo and partner type must not be changed. 

wrong_logo_position_2 Partner Brand Guidelines
wrong_logo_position_1 Partner Brand Guidelines

Make sure that when placing other logos, there is no confusion as to the relationship between the different parties represented.

This example suggests there is a three-way relationship between rex-o, the king of accounting systems, Connectorly and the advisor partner. 

wrong_other_logo_too_close Partner Brand Guidelines

If you really have to recreate the logo from constituent parts, then only the correct font; Space Grotesk

The Partner Type is written with Space Grotesk Bold with negative tracking (to pull individual characters closer together). is written with Space Grotesk Light

Space Grotesk is available from Space Grotesk – Google Fonts

wrong_advisor_font Partner Brand Guidelines

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